TA-21 Delta Prime Site Aggregate Area, Los Alamos, New Mexico

Los Alamos National Lab area TA-21 was a former Manhattan Project and Cold War-era complex of buildings that housed plutonium processing facilities and where tritium research was conducted. Adanta and its team partner are decontaminating and demolishing the remaining former radioactive liquid waste processing facility, Building 257, a former radioactive liquid waste processing facility and the surrounding waste transfer lines and soil. The area has significant chemical and radiological contamination, whereby approximately 80% of contamination is reported to be plutonium-239, but also includes americium-241, cesium-137, plutonium-238, plutonium-239, strontium-90, tritium, and uranium-235 along with a host of additional chemicals and metals.

This complex and important project illustrates Adanta and Lakeworth’s technical capabilities our commitment to our clients’ and team partners’ project success.

Remediation and Restoration of Blue Angel Crash Site, Smyrna, Tennessee

Adanta performed initial environmental response actions at a Blue Angel FA-18 plane crash site that occurred near Smyrna, Tennessee. The aircraft contained approximately 1,500 gallons of Jet Fuel A, 355 ounces of oil, and 11.5 gallons of hydraulic fluid at the time of the crash. Adanta delineated and remediated petroleum-impacted soil, trees, and debris resulting from the crash to meet regulatory requirements and obtained a “No Further Action” letter from the Tennessee Department of Conservation, Division of Remediation. Adanta restored the crash site, stockpile area, laydown area, fencing, and other areas disturbed by the crash, resulting fire, and the Navy’s reclamation efforts.

A full portfolio of Adanta’s projects is being assembled and will be published soon.